Board of Supervisors

Chairperson / Roadmaster / Foreman

Brandon Chamberlain
319 Santa Rosa Rd.
Clearville, PA  15535  

Vice-Chairperson / Roadmaster
Tom Brady
234 West 5th Avenue
Everett, PA  15537   

Supervisor / Roadmaster
Harold L. "Buck" Smith
282 Raystown Rd.
Everett, PA  15537 

Patti Foor

The Supervisors meet the Second Monday of each Month at 6:00p.m. at the Township Municipal Building.
If this day falls on a holiday, the meeting will be held the following day.

Copyright © West Providence Township 2019
West ProvidenceTownship
83 East 5th Avenue
Everett, Pa. 15537

Township Office
Hours- 8 AM to 3:30 PM
Monday - Friday

Phone - 814- 652 -5943
Fax: 814-652-5711
